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Riding an emotional rollercoaster with your partner's cancer?

It's exhausting, I know!

I know how hard it is. I’ve been there and while it’s never going to be easy, so much of your suffering is unnecessary and it doesn’t have to be that way!

I want to share with you the 3 secrets I wish I knew about feeling better when your partner has cancer.

Watch my free 9 minute video and learn:

  • ⇨ How to be calm and supportive when your partner is in pain
  • ⇨ Why your suffering is just as important to pay attention to
  • ⇨ The real cause of your misery (hint - it's not cancer!) and how to let go of it

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    Take the first step toward getting back in control of your life again!

    I'm Marika Humphreys and I'm a Resiliency Coach for people who have a partner with cancer. I help people just like you build skills to handle all the anxiety, stress, and overwhelm that comes when a loved one has cancer.

    Even in this very difficult time, you can feel better.

    I will help you get rid of unnecessary suffering, become stronger, and get back in control of your life again!

    Coach Marika - I'm here for YOU when your partner has cancer.